Our Philosophy
All children are special and unique! Purpose Point seeks to offer the highest quality of developmentally appropriate learning to the children and families we serve.
We strive to provide a program of integrity, hospitality, innovation, inclusiveness and diversity in a stimulating environment for young children where they can safely explore, play, create and grow in all areas of development: physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually and intellectually.
We believe that our parents are an integral part of the success of their child’s growth, and we will strive to support our parents and welcome their positive involvement and presence.
Purpose Point Learning Academy further believes that in such a caring atmosphere, where parents and teachers have open and honest communication, children thrive, and have the opportunity to blossom into responsible, caring and contributing members of society.
Children will learn through play however, they will also engage in literacy, mathematics, science, social and emotional experiences as well as cognitive development.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
“Play is the highest form of research.”
Educational Model
Our Educational Model is based on a combination of the Bank Street Model and the Creative Curriculum Model where the children’s learning environment is arranged into learning centers and planning is organized by the use of materials within learning centers. The learning centers are:
Dramatic Play
Music and Movement
Outdoors: Water and Sand Play
Children’s individual preferences and learning paces are the focus. The teachers knowledge of Child Development is a must in these two Educational Models.
We provide breakfast, lunch, an a.m. and. p.m. snack and comply with USDA Nutrition Guidelines. Meals will be catered and are designed to significantly lower our children’s exposure to added sugars, dyes and preservatives. Meals will consist of protein, fruits, vegetables and grains.
Our Curriculum is the Creative Curriculum System which is a comprehensive , research-based curriculum based on the development of the whole child. It encompasses developmentally appropriate practices and it fosters the belief that children not only learn through play but through developing social and emotional skills, Physical development, Cognitive development and language and literacy development.
Learn more about our tuition prices, classrooms, and more!